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After had a car in Dunedin nine weeks — the week 10, let me report the progress of my driving skills. I’m very proud to say, the distance that I have traveled over these couple of weeks is remarkable.

Two months ago, I had not driven alone, both in China and NZ. I just got my drive license two days before get into NZ.

Today, I drive to workplace and home alone, which is a milestone. Every skill of study needs milestones before start, another meaning of stage results. Then you will never get lost in study. Before this, I drive to a supermarket nearby and home alone, drive to workplace and home while the coach beside me, drive to workplace and home while a friend beside me. They are step by step.

Now I feel confident while driving unless motorway. That’s my next step milestone, planning to get it two weeks later. This two week I will drive as much as possible to get use to driving on high speed while the rules allowed.

Last two months, I had drive lessons two or three times a week, with a local friend, who enjoys driving and really is a good teacher. He is so familiar with roads in Dunedin and nearby. What’s more, he is brave enough and strict enough. When a road sign says the speed limiting is 50, he asked me to drive 49, not 45, not 40, but 49. My other friends are not so strict. Thanks to his strict, I can control the speed with accuracy. Although he speaks English to teach me, that made things a little complex, but it’s good for me thinking like locals.

Right now I can drive, I feel independent, you needn’t wait for other people have time to catch you or send you to somewhere, you can do it by yourself. Especially in NZ, humans live here with animals and nature, hide smells and behaviors as possible. But we are the fast animals here because of using vehicles. People here drive several hours just to special seaside to watch penguins and sails, then drive back. Or they drive around the whole Country and sleep in their car like animals in nature do. It’s freedom. This is also my next big milestone.

P.S. Total learning hours of driving is 23 hours, changed from StudyGrow to triffac since Sep 2th 2017 in time record.

— 汇报下小鹤开车的进展. 来新西兰前两天刚拿到驾照, 到了新西兰才收到翻译件, 遵照新西兰的法律, 我可以独自在这里开车上路. 我的本地朋友兼教练在见识了我的开车技术后, 认为这条法律简直不可思议, 他认为我根本不会开车, 对比上面的两个语音你就能明显感觉到了, 第二个录音 是40天前录的, 说我的烂技术. 我那时也这么觉得.

于是接下来, 我跟他约好, 一周两到三次的驾驶课程. 目标是我可以自信自在的开车往返工作地点, 距离家里25分钟车程, 如果是普通道路的话. 如果是高速公路, 13分钟就可以到了. 但我打算遵守国内的规则, 实习期内不可以在没有完全驾驶人陪伴的前提下上告诉. 当然, 这个实习期我打算自己定.

今天完成了这个目标, 所以专门写文炫耀一下. 这是驾驶课里的里程碑事件, 就是阶段性目标, 在开始一项学习之前, 就要先想好阶段性目标, 不然很容易迷失在学习中, 为了学习而学习.

估计会开车的人都觉得开车挺容易的, 现在我也慢慢这样觉得, 但是两个月之前, 我可是认为很难, 毫无自信. 那时教练说我是马路杀手, 他人很好, 积极热情爱玩, 对驾驶充满兴趣, 又足够勇敢和严格, 是个很好的老师. 因为他的严格, 我可以自如的控制车速并保持时速, 这边的交通规则也可以不加思考的遵守. 其他朋友陪驾的时候, 总是说,你可以慢慢开, 但这在新西兰其实是不对的. 这边的驾驶训练和考试很专业, 你一旦拿到独立驾照, 开到限制时速不成问题, 因此这边的人很少超车. 所以开到限制时速, 是礼貌和体贴.他只说英语, 这也增加了我学车的难度, 好处是让我有本地人的思维, 而且在学车时高度集中的大脑, 把他说的英语也一并储存进去了.

恩, 自如开车便真切体会到独立, 你不用等人有空的时候来接送, 而是随心所欲想什么时候走就什么时候走. 在新西兰这点尤为突出.

新西兰的人们尽量隐藏气息和行为, 与动物们在自然中和谐共处. 同时用汽车使自己成为这里跑的最快, 活动范围最广的生物. 生活在自然里, 当然要学会跑的快, 拓展自己的地盘. 这边的人会开几个小时的车只为看看野生的企鹅和海豹, 也会驱车环岛, 睡在车里. 这种自由亦是我设定的下一个里程碑.

又及: 广鹤在新西兰学车时间总共为23小时, 自2017年9月2日起, 从 studygrow 分类中将 drive 抽出放进 traffic 中.

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