New Zealand is famous by its grouses view, attracts huge number of people to visit. If some of them are your friends and they know that you are here. You will be very pleased to take them look around.

October 1st is Chinese National Day. We have 7 days holiday. Roommates in university come to stay in October 1st, they want to see the famous view. I’m a good driver and drive them to where they want to, like a railway station, tunnel beach and Otugen. I also took them to Pak’n Save supermarket, as I have written in Meals 吃了么, it’s the cheapest and biggest one. They three took 3 hours there. It’s a good place to purchase gifts for friends and families. We also had a nice dinner time with backpacker friends in my hostel. I picked them up from airport and sent them to the bus station.

My husband came to stay from 2nd to 8th. As I have written in Trip Dunedin and Queenstown , I planned this trip to both Dunedin and Queenstown. First three days in Dunedin, we look around Dunedin’s city centre, both daytime and night. I show my daily life to him. We spent 3 hours in a gym and 2 hours in the supermarket. All of them like supermarket. Then we drive on Portabello Rd. to a farm named McFarmers. It's a sightseeing road with grouses inland sea view, sunlight, cloud, sea water and hills built views you never feel boring about.

Then we lived in farms for two days, watched the sky and cloud change, shape and color, feeded innocent lambs with grass, fired fresh beef, talked recent feeling front the fireplace, enjoyed bright round moon and star, shared a mooncake that he took it from China.

He had two good sleep nights, then we leaved my car nearby bus station and get on a bus to Queenstown.

或许是太过放心, 一向靠谱的好青年忘记调闹钟, 睡过头, 错过定好的去香港的巴士; 在香港地铁里睡过头, 把行李箱落在地铁里; 错过转机, 在机场多等几个小时; 饮料在箱子里爆掉; 忘记取托运行李等等.

共同化解以上危机后, 我们终于相聚, 分了块月饼.

回到我住的旅馆大床房, 之前换宿时每次打理这间房, 都想着等他来的时候一起住一下. 刘院长以考察的视角巡视但尼丁市中心, 我才不会让他的结论坐实呢, 带他到植物园晨跑, 随便一家餐厅早午餐, 健身房打拳, 逛周边的特色小店, 流连巨大食物超市. 再兜他走一条风景绝美的内海观光路, 到农场后叫醒他.

这宝宝立刻沉醉在长阔的内海景中, 从初早到深晚. 问我可不可以抱抱小羊, 我当然没问题啦, 只是小羊们愿不愿意呀.

两晚好觉之后, 把车停在巴士站路边, 我们登上去往皇后镇的巴士.


  • 我们没有去的十几个海滩, 每个都很美.
  • 兜 Susan 和娟娟去的火车站, 古宅, tunnel beach 等地方, 也很值得逛.
  • 最大的超市是 Pak’n Save, 自己做饭和买手信都很合适.
  • 很少人知道的农场旅馆: Mc farmers, 可以网上预订, 价格公道, 当地生活, 风景绝佳.
  • Chalet Backpackers, 但尼丁最便宜的 BBH 青旅, 你值得拥有.
  • 机场没有巴士站, 没人接你的话, 可以乘坐 shuttle bus(中巴)到市区你想去的地方, 大概半个小时.
  • 其他暂时想不起来, 参加过往GapYear系列文章吧, 也可以博客留言随时问我.

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