title: How to save money on air ticket to NZ 机票省钱秘笈 date: 2017/7/18 21:35:32 categories:
- GapYear tags:
- NZ
- Dunedin
- English
- record
- Culture
- travelling
- air ticket
- money
- experience
NZ’s good view attracts tourists from all over the world, although it far away from all other countries. So air ticket to NZ is expensive. But, there are ways to have cheaper one, here are tips:
Limits of Traveling Dates
- confirming traveling dates, check air tickets earlier, 3 months is usually cheap, and Tuesday morning is often cheaper than other time.
- Search on agency website first, then check on airline website, I mean the offical website, like airnewzealand.com and JetStar.com, there would be more cheaper. You need to compare.
- jetstar.com is a cheap airline in NZ, although you need to pay 10-50 NZ dollars for taking more baggages.
- airnewzealand.com has more fights, it seems more expensive than jetstar.com, but there is a sales website of it, flightbookings.grabaseat.co.nz, it’s amazing, not just for saving 10 to 100 NZ dollars, you can also choose serves as Changing to an earlier or later flight on day of travel and When you may need to change the day of travel. That means, just add 10 NZ dollars, you own flexitime, I haven’t seen this kind of serves before. It’s cover local NZ, not overseas.
Flexible Traveling Dates
If you have flexible time, save money become very easy.
- There are agency website like expedia.com and skyscanner.com. You can subscribe a destination, when it’s as cheap as you want, they will send you a email.
- Google how cheap it can be, travelers would show this on line, check price every now and then, when it closed, you can pay for it.
— 新西兰很美, 也很贵, 因为离哪儿都远, 真乃世外桃源, 我又在桃源中选择了一个桃源. 先生将在国庆来新西兰看我, 我用今天一个下午给他订了往返的机票, 这里介绍些窍门, 如何尽可能少花些钱在路费上.
我先生就是这样的, 必须在10月1日和10月8日往返.
- 提前三个月左右开始看票订票, 除非大促, 一般这时是最便宜的. 中国时间周二上午也会有比较多的优惠.
- 在各代理网站上看下哪些航班比较便宜, 然后再去这些航班的官网看看, 做比较.
- 用英文查询, 选择所在地是那个航空公司的国籍, 会便宜几百人民币, 不仅仅是汇率的原因, 对本国人民会有优惠. 这次在新西兰航空官网省了1000块.
- 有些航班可能没有放到代理网站, 或者在代理网站上已经卖光, 但在官网上还有. 这次在新加坡航空上就找到了这种航班, 省了2000块.
- 新西兰有两个航空, 一个是新西兰航空:airnewzealand.com, 一个是捷星航空:jetstar.com. 新西兰国内航班, 捷星是廉价航空, 带行李需要加钱. 新西兰航空有专门的打折网站: grabaseat:flightbookings.grabaseat.co.nz, 这里不仅可以便宜几百块, 还可以选择附加服务, 比如灵活的飞行时间, 选择改成当天的任何时间飞或者改成另外一天, 这仅限于新西兰国内, 我还没在其他地方见过
- 买靠谱和好评的航空公司航班, 比如新西兰航空, 新加坡航空, 阿联酋航空, 南方航空(国内起飞的话)等等. 误点率低, 负责任..
- 不建议买亚洲(包括国内)的廉航来新西兰. 飞新西兰属于长途飞行, 需要十几个小时, 经常需要中转. 如果上一个航班晚点, 将赶不上下一班, 那可能就需要等一晚上或者更多, 还要跟航空公司争论.
这就简单多啦. 国际的话:
- google 一下旅者买到了多便宜的机票, 如果真的低, 他们一定会炫耀的. 这样你就知道什么才是真的低. 或者不用这么麻烦, 只要你觉得低就好啦.
- 到代理网站订阅一些你想去的城市, 等降价的时候会发邮件给你.
- 不定时的上网查查, 看到便宜就下手吧.
省下路费, 花在体验上吧.