click here to hear what I was speaking(点此链接听英语语音) Last Saturday I’m a part of Cadbury Jaffa Race & World’s Steepest Street Party. It’s a fun party, Cadbury factory fall down 25000 jaffas from the steepest Street of the world in Dunedin at the same time. Each Jaffa has a number sold to public. The first one arrived the terminal get prize. All money will give somebody who needs help.

This event is organized every year, but this year maybe the last year, since the manager decide to close this factory and moved it to Austria.

I’m very lucky to attend this party. When I first arrived in Dunedin, I was been told there will be a party like that, but I had to work in that day they planed. But that day had a bed weather they have to canceled and change another day. before the day I have a good work then I can go there.

There was a girl named Jag, took me to take free bus to there, we eta many jaffas that day for lunch. After Jaffa race, we went to George Street, the main street in Dunedin. We met graduates team of University of Otago, their families and friends dress up waiting their pass.

We also went to some special shops, next time I may describe them to you.

— 其实已经是上周末的事情咯. 我很幸运参加到一年一度的巧克力球赛跑活动, 在世界上最陡的街道. 也许是最后一届呢.

这是一个慈善活动, 世界上最陡的街道在但尼丁, 新西兰唯一的巧克力工厂也在但尼丁. 因此吉百利工厂组织这项活动, 已经或多年了. 具体事项建议搜索 ‘ 但尼丁 最陡的街 吉百利’, 也可以听我的录音(点上面的链接).

这边大学毕业也会有游行, 传统的苏格兰方格裙乐队吹奏苏格兰乐曲, 毕业生们身着学士/硕士/博士服, 家人和朋友盛装站在主街乔治街上看着他们走过. 很有感觉, 说不定什么时候我也去读个书, 成为游行的一员呢.

这边还是有很多小店, 我喜欢的是那些古老的二手书店, 卖一八几几年的书都有, 这家店让我决定刘欣国庆来新西兰的旅行多在但尼丁一天. 还有很多地方我没有挖掘到啊.

说是一年, 怎么感觉每天过得好快, 只是但尼丁这小城, 我还有很多地方没有去过, 还不知道.

时间仓促, 今天先写到这里. 每周都有好的变化, 下周也是如此. 到时再分享吧 P.S. 新西兰也有类似大众点评的折扣网站哦, 很多 WHVER/游客和初来的华人还不知道呢. 比如 bookme/firsttable, 这里介绍给你啦

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